Lavender Essential Oil
Here at Maria Rose we love our essential oils and all their amazing health benefits. This is why we created our aromatherapy diffuser bracelet collection so you can enjoy your oils everywhere you. Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils. Most commonly known for its relaxing effects on the body, therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing both physically and emotionally. Adding 1 to 2 drops of lavender to your Maria Rose diffuser bracelet is like having your own personal pick-me-up.
YL Lavender Essential Oil 15 ml
SKU: essential-oil-lavender.$25.00
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
100% Pure Lavender Oil 15ml
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Benefits of Lavender
Promotes feelings of calm
Reduces Nervous Tension
Calms the Mind and Body
Cleanses and Soothes Skin Irritations
Balancing Properties Promote Anti Aging
Stimulates Overall Feelings of Wellness
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